Speakeasy changelog

IDE hinting for Speakeasy generation config (JSONSchema Store)

All Speakeasy config files supported in major IDEs. Starting with workflow.yaml, then gen.yaml, lint.yaml

Functional Typescript SDKs

exporting standalone functions from SDKs alongside the existing classes. If you are targeting the browser or serverless runtimes you will benefit a lot from this because it'll shake away any methods AND models AND utilities that aren't used

Enable Typescript assertions for SDK error handling

Railway programming. Instead of `try/catch` show all known error types `Result<MessageEntity, ValidationError | RateLimitError | ServerError>`

Debug-friendly SDKs

Support for default timeouts, environment variable for logging and better README examples for per operation retries and error handling

Debug-friendly SDKs

Support for default timeouts, environment variable for logging and better README examples for per operation retries and error handling

Debug-friendly SDKs

Support for default timeouts, environment variable for logging and better README examples for per operation retries and error handling

Speakeasy Status Command

`speakeasy status` command which shows relevant details on a workspace: schemas, published SDKs, latest runs, failures and other relevant information to onboard onto a workspace

Configurable Sentinel Events for SSE

Define the sentinel event on the OpenAPI spec for a stream of server sent events

Mintlify Self-Serve Integration

No more wrestling OpenAPI workflows. Integrate SDKs into Mintlify directly from our dashboard

Support For AI Model Garden Authentication

AI SDKs get out of the box support for authentication via GCP, Azure, and AWS model gardens

Terraform Custom Plan Modifiers

Support for user defined plan modifier in Terraform Generation

Automatically Improve SDK Method names

Speakeasy suggest support for improving the operation ids in your OpenAPI spec for more ergonomic SDK methods. Available in the CLI and Dashboard

Shrink TypeScript Bundle Size

Improve the performance of TypeScript packages by removing boilerplate in error handling and encoding, dropping barrel imports and minifying Zod code

SDK Hooks

All langauges: https://www.notion.so/speakeasyapi/RFC-Hooks-SDK-Integrations-452ec339cbd440cf8fa2834b1c5df92e?pvs=4

SDK Hooks

All langauges: https://www.notion.so/speakeasyapi/RFC-Hooks-SDK-Integrations-452ec339cbd440cf8fa2834b1c5df92e?pvs=4

Speakeasy CLI Quickstart, Configure

Scope: Quickstart, Configure, basic Dashboard. User Journey: https://www.notion.so/speakeasyapi/Speakeasy-User-Journey-v0-b4c7a9ad70004401b47f0205b2be828e?pvs=4


Track workspaces as being part of a single organisation

Speakeasy CLI Quickstart, Configure

Scope: Quickstart, Configure, basic Dashboard. User Journey: https://www.notion.so/speakeasyapi/Speakeasy-User-Journey-v0-b4c7a9ad70004401b47f0205b2be828e?pvs=4

Terraform v2 Beta

Handling of multiple call management. Motivated by Opal, Etleap

Oauth Support for SDKs

Support for OAuth authentication schemes. Ability to do Oauth token refresh flows on behalf of the end user

Better support for file uploads via SDKs

Move to stream APIs as default

OOTB Dev Containers


Support multiple usage examples in Readme

Using x-speakeasy-usage-example

Usage snippet generation for Terraform providers

Markdown documentation to populate example `resource` declarations in Terraform providers